
SEO Content Writing

Process Overview

SEO content writing refers to creating written content optimized for search engine results. The goal is to improve the visibility and ranking of a website, blog or article in unpaid, organic search results. Unlike regular writing which is mainly for a human audience, SEO writing also targets search engines and their algorithms. It utilizes multiple search engine optimization techniques including identifying and integrating relevant keyword phrases, crafting meta descriptions that will show up in searches, optimizing headings and titles, using alt text and file names strategically, and formatting content for maximum scannability. Great SEO content provides value to human readers while incorporating the terms and queries they are likely to use when searching for related topics. It is grammatically polished, easy to understand, and offers comprehensive information structured to help search engines index and rank pages. The best SEO writing blends human readability with keyword integration and technical optimization to attract visitors from target audiences.

Initial Client Meeting

Hold kickoff meeting to discuss goals, target keywords, parameters, audience personas, and content promotion.

In-Depth Keyword Research

Thoroughly research focus keywords, analyze competition, assess search intent and volume to inform content outline.

Strategic Content Outline

Map out detailed section-by-section outline aligned to researched keywords and user search intent patterns.

Optimize Title Tag and Headers

Craft compelling SEO title tag and strategically place H1 & H2 headers using target keyword phrases.

Draft Engaging Content

Write useful, engaging content for readers while seamlessly integrating relevant keyword phrases.

Format for Maximum Scannability

Employ bullet points, numbered lists, proprietary examples, images, and other best practices to improve content scannability.

Insert Links & Media

Interlink internal pages and link out to quality external sources to establish domain authority and enrich content.

Polish Content for Impact

Refine phrasing, sentence structure and grammar to offer strong user experience that achieves KPIs.

Complete On-Page SEO

Finish technical on-page SEO including meta descriptions, URL structure, alt text, schema markup.

Reporting & Iteration

Provide analytics report to optimize content promotion initiatives and make revisions addressing performance.

I don't. My clients speak for me.

I’m blown away by the quality of your writing and the details you bring in your content. Happy to work with you!


Sergey Sedykh

CEO, Ashtone Studios

You are a very good and sincere person, not hypocritical, highly efficient at work and able to communicate effectively with employers, a very good partner!


PM, Olight Store China

Every word you write makes me want to read more. Truly engaging and thoughtful content. Always happy with your work.

Nafeel Javed

CEO, Techonza

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