
Copy Writing

Process Overview

Copywriting is the art and science of crafting written content that sells a product, service or idea. Unlike general writing which can simply inform or entertain, copywriting utilizes rhetorical strategies and psychological principles to influence behavior and motivate a desired response from readers. The goal of copywriting is most often to generate conversion by persuading audiences to take action, whether that is to buy a product, donate to a cause, sign up for a newsletter or any other definable outcome intended to benefit the client. Effective copy speaks to the specific needs, interests, or desires of its target market in an authentic way that feels organic rather than promotional. Masterful copywriters combine persuasiveness, storytelling and conciseness in highly readable content tailored to diverse mediums like websites, brochures, advertisements, emails, direct mail and more. The best copy blends creativity with strategic planning rooted in market research and buyer personas. It builds trust in the brand while achieving the business objectives or conversions sought by the client.

Initial Client Meeting

The first step is an initial discovery call or meeting to discuss the scope of the copywriting project, background on the client's business, target audiences, objectives, etc.

Proposal & Contract

Next is drafting a project proposal outlining deliverables, timeline and investment, and signing a copywriting agreement.

Research & Strategy

Then the copywriter researches the client's brand, products/services, buyers, and market to inform an effective copy strategy.

Copywriting & Drafting

 The actual writing phase where first drafts of copy are developed for the intended projects/materials based on the creative strategy.

Client Feedback & Revisions

The client provides feedback on initial drafts, and the copywriter makes requested revisions.

Final Review & Approval

The client reviews revised drafts, requests any last edits, grants final approval, and signs off on the project.


Finally, approved copy is formatted, published live, and promoted across intended channels

I don't. My clients speak for me.

I’m blown away by the quality of your writing and the details you bring in your content. Happy to work with you!


Sergey Sedykh

CEO, Ashtone Studios

You are a very good and sincere person, not hypocritical, highly efficient at work and able to communicate effectively with employers, a very good partner!


PM, Olight Store China

Every word you write makes me want to read more. Truly engaging and thoughtful content. Always happy with your work.

Nafeel Javed

CEO, Techonza

From Conversations To Conversions
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