
Side Note: I originally posted this in r/Bard subreddit. This post is a bit more expanded version.

I recently put both ChatGPT Plus and Bard Advanced through their paces, and in the end, I’d still choose ChatGPT Plus. Both of these cutting-edge language models have unique strengths and are undoubtedly changing the game. There are certainly situations where one might be preferable over the other.

Each AI brings distinct skills to the table. It’s not a ‘one is clearly better’ kind of situation. I dug deep into my experience and workflow to pinpoint the factors that pushed ChatGPT Plus over the line for me.

If you’re curious about these two heavyweights, let’s take a closer look…

Gemini Advanced (Previously, Bard): The Speedy Workhorse…But with Caveats

Bard’s advantages come to light quickly. It zips through requests with impressive speed, and the unlimited output means I never hit a frustrating ‘character cap’ mid-thought.

Plus, there’s an undeniable freshness to its responses – Bard seems less prone to those overused phrases common with some AI tools. The native integration with Google Docs and Gmail is a huge win for streamlined workflow, and the ‘extensions’ add helpful functionality.

Finally, I truly appreciate that if I ask Bard to explain its reasoning, it gives a clear breakdown. Transparency builds trust.

However, here’s the trade-off: Bard operates with a surprisingly narrow window of understanding. This applies to both the information I feed it and the results it provides. Its short-term memory, so to speak, leaves something to be desired.

To avoid it simply assuring me “it’s there and happy to help,” I find myself needing to give ultra-specific prompts. While that level of directness can be useful at times, it lacks the nuanced comprehension required for many of my copywriting tasks.

In essence, Bard feels like a powerful tool that requires extremely precise handling. If your work thrives on swift turnaround and straightforward instructions, Bard’s speed and accuracy could be an asset. But when complex contextualization is key, the limitations become apparent.

ChatGPT Plus: The Depth That Comes at a Cost

Here’s where ChatGPT Plus shines for me: it ‘gets’ what I’m asking because it has a wider understanding of my input. This is due, in part, to its access to a variety of internal models (GPTs) which provide a broad pool of knowledge.

The upshot? ChatGPT Plus generates deeper, more comprehensive responses. It often grasps my intent with surprising accuracy, saving me the hassle of fine-tuning prompts endlessly.

Unfortunately, with that depth comes compromise. The processing speed takes a hit, and the output cap can be an obstacle when large volumes of copy are needed.

Plus, there’s that tendency to slip into generic phrasing, but I’ve found creative prompting goes a long way to avoid that pitfall.

Another concerning detail is what, unfortunately, seems to be a true observation among many users: a decline in ChatGPT’s overall cleverness compared to its earlier days.

The choice ultimately depends on your priorities. ChatGPT Plus thrives on intricate tasks where detail and nuance are paramount. If you’re willing to navigate the workarounds for its speed limits and sometimes uninspired prose, there’s potential to unlock truly unique content.

The Final Verdict (For My Needs)

In a head-to-head, I still pick ChatGPT Plus. Even with its shortcomings, the ability to truly dig deep and get complex responses often wins the day for me. The way I see it, the extra time and effort required to work around ChatGPT Plus are sometimes a worthy investment for unique, high-quality copy.

There’s an undeniable pleasure in ‘playing’ with it, tweaking prompts to reveal new angles and phrasing.

Important disclaimer: I base this primarily on marketing copywriting requirements. These priorities might not align with fields like programming, where sheer speed or precision may be paramount. Each user needs to weigh their use cases to get the most out of these powerful tools.