
15th February, 2024. I turned 25 today.

For many people, this milestone means a quarter-century of figuring out life. After five years of navigating the world of online work as a writer, I find myself with a pocketful of realizations. It’s been a path full of lessons – some harsh, some surprisingly easy. These experiences make me feel not like an expert, but more like a traveler with a handful of weathered but helpful maps.

I have been working and making money online since 2019 as a writer. It sounds glamorous, but behind the digital curtain, there were long nights, unpaid days, and moments questioning my sanity.

Building a self-sustaining income while balancing real-life commitments isn’t magic – it takes time, resilience, and the determination to get back up even when you face rejection.

Here are work/life lessons I have learned along the way.

Let’s start with the one most hotly debated in self-improvement spaces:

If you can’t afford a course, you don’t have to buy it. Most courses are selling info only, which is available for free online. Even if you buy, hands-down, the best course for any skill, your life will not flip in 24hrs. You WILL still have to go through the same years-long process like EVERYONE else. (I learned everything for Free on YT)

The internet is a treasure chest overflowing with free information. The hype around paid courses can create a sense of urgency, making you question if your dreams are truly attainable unless you cough up the cash. Don’t fall for this trap!

With enough diligence and resourcefulness, you can find most of the information offered in paid online programs for free through tutorials, blogs, articles, and online communities. It requires sorting through a lot of material, but that’s a small price to pay.

Yes, well-structured courses can save time and potentially streamline the process, but the fundamental truth remains: real skill mastery requires constant work and dedication, whether you fork over the money or not.

I know this first-hand.

My years of success stem from countless hours spent pouring over free YouTube videos and meticulously piecing together the knowledge I needed.

You HAVE to have retainer clients for sustainable income. The best way to retain a client is by overdelivering, keeping your promises, and giving the best results possible. Most people don’t want to go that extra mile. And that’s your best bet to stand out amongst the majority.

The freelance world can feel like a never-ending hamster wheel of client hunting and project hustling. Retainer clients are the golden ticket to stability. They ensure consistent workflow and dependable income, taking the edge off the constant worry about where the next paycheck will come from.

But building these long-term relationships boils down to a simple, often overlooked rule: be exceptional. Overdeliver on quality, meet deadlines religiously, and always aim to provide solutions that exceed the client’s expectations.

When you do something well, most people just expect that standard. Go the extra mile, the one most others skip over. Prove you’re not just there to cash in and clock out, but actively invested in their success.

This builds trust, creates loyalty, and ultimately means those coveted retainer contracts will land in your lap, not your less-committed competition’s.

Not for the faint of heart. I’m not discouraging, but competition is fierce now and you’ll see many dry weeks without clients. Just like I did or I might do. Happens equally with everyone. Even with marketing agencies. That’s when most panic and start to question everything. Don’t quit. If you truly, genuinely are in love with your skill, keep trying.

Freelancing isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme; it’s a marathon demanding stamina and unwavering determination. This path is littered with obstacles like lean weeks where projects seem to vanish and fear gnaws at your self-confidence.

This isn’t just a newbie experience – seasoned pros and top agencies face those empty schedules too. These droughts test your grit and passion. It’s when many panic, their faith crumbling as they hastily change strategies or drastically cut rates.

Don’t fall into that trap. If you possess true love for your craft, a sincere belief in your ability, let those qualities act as your anchor. Stay the course, refine your approach, keep improving – resilience is the currency that wins out in the long term.

Do your personal branding. This is the biggest mistake I made. So many years and I haven’t documented them. I isolated myself in my room. Don’t make that mistake. Publish online, network, make friends, or even start vlogging. (I already started this year!)

Think of yourself as a product of your own unique blend of experiences and skills. Personal branding is how you package and present that to the world. It’s not about becoming an overnight influencer – it’s about consistently showcasing your work, your voice, and your commitment to your craft. I learned this the hard way! Years of isolating myself led to a resume as bare as my online presence.

Document your journey, even if it’s messy or imperfect. Build relationships within your industry – through online forums, communities, or even reaching out to those you admire.

Explore what feels right for you – whether it’s sharing insights on a blog, connecting with like-minded individuals, or even stepping in front of the camera to vlog your progress. Building an authentic online presence can take time, but it opens doors to potential clients, collaborations, and opportunities you can’t even imagine right now.

UPSKILL! Keep expanding and adding new skills. I started out with writing simple blogs and product descriptions. I learned everything along the way; SEO, copywriting, marketing, design, and now brand strategy.

The freelance landscape shifts faster than you can refresh your Twitter feed. Stagnation breeds irrelevance. Upskilling isn’t a luxury, it’s a survival tactic! You might begin with a core competency, but your value skyrockets as you evolve into a multifaceted talent.

The beauty is, you don’t need to enroll in costly programs to build on your foundation. There’s a wealth of free tutorials, resources, and even open-source communities where you can tap into cutting-edge knowledge.

Like me, you may start with crafting compelling copy, but layer on the principles of SEO to draw readers in. Master persuasive copywriting to boost conversion rates and learn what goes into crafting strong marketing campaigns.

Even delving into basic design principles enhances your ability to create cohesive content that stands out. The more strings to your bow, the more indispensable you become to clients.

You cannot win alone! If you can, team up. Online or with your friends/cousins. ASAP. Each handles multiple aspects of the business. That’s how you share the shoulders and move upwards sustainably.

Think of the solo freelancer journey as scaling a mountain with a backpack overflowing with gear. Sure, it can be done, but wouldn’t reaching the summit be easier with a partner or two?

Teaming up is the fast track to exponential growth, whether it’s joining forces with someone virtually or finding like-minded collaborators nearby. Imagine tackling projects larger than you could individually. With each team member focused on their strengths, you create a powerhouse capable of offering an incredible range of services while increasing your capacity for work.

It’s more than just splitting tasks; it’s about pooling expertise, bouncing ideas, and having a sounding board during both good and challenging times. Sharing the load this way alleviates pressure, encourages creative synergy, and fosters a much more reliable and sustainable path to success.

Don’t shift blame. You’re responsible! You’re responsible for everything. You’re responsible for that missed deadline — even when the electricity or WiFi was out. Life happens occasionally and that’s okay! But if your reasons for not doing something or poor performance are always common like the majority, you’re lying to yourself.

Owning your responsibility is the difference between treading water as a freelancer and truly forging your own path. The tempting trap of placing blame for mishaps or subpar work lies everywhere – unstable power, spotty internet connections, unforeseen personal hurdles.

Sure, these genuine obstacles pop up! However, consistently relying on these common scenarios as shields means avoiding a hard truth: ultimate accountability rests on your shoulders. If you find yourself mirroring the complaints of those around you more often than shouldering your own burden, chances are your internal system needs revisiting.

Proactiveness, not excuses, builds a reputation clients can rely on. Anticipate potential problems, communicate promptly when delays do occur, and always offer solutions alongside apologies. Success in this world isn’t built on perfection, but rather on an unwavering willingness to be responsible, regardless of circumstances.

Keep updating your pay rates every quarter/six months/year. That’s how you see growth in your income. Otherwise, you’ll be stuck in that same pay rate! Part of the reason you’ve chosen freelancing is because… freedom! And you have the freedom to set your own rates based on the value you can bring to your client.

Freelancing isn’t about locking yourself into a set salary with only the hope of an annual raise far off in the distance. You’re building a dynamic business! Regularly revisiting your rates empowers you to see tangible financial growth as your skills level up and you take on increasingly valuable projects. Stagnant rates mean, essentially, giving yourself a pay cut due to inflation.

Remember, a large part of the freelance appeal is the flexibility to price yourself according to your value. If you’re consistently gaining expertise, delivering exceptional results for clients, and growing your reputation, don’t hesitate to reflect that in your pricing structure.

Be strategic; quarter, semi-annual, or annual reviews keep you from pricing yourself too low while ensuring you remain competitive in the ever-changing market.

Keep on trying. Anything is possible.

Years ago, the idea of crafting words like these would have filled me with a mix of longing and self-doubt. Could I truly forge my own path, turning passion into a sustainable future? Today, that question has a resounding answer.

It echoes in every completed project, each satisfied client, and the steady growth of the business I’ve built from the ground up. This realization, earned through countless hours of persistence and the occasional stumble, makes me say with confidence: anything is possible.

‘Alhamdulillah’, gratitude fills me as I see undeniable proof of how consistent effort shapes what was once a mere dream into a tangible reality. This isn’t about innate talent; it’s the tenacity to keep learning, refining, and believing in your potential.

This isn’t luck; it’s choosing to keep working even when the going gets tough. If you possess the hunger, the willingness to put in the work, and the refusal to give up, you hold the greatest tool for writing your own success story.

The only question left is: are you ready to try?