
In 2024, businesses increasingly rely on compelling copy to market their offers effectively due to stiff competition and the rise of AI-generated ‘generic’ content. 


While some attempt to craft their own content in-house, hiring a professional copywriter is crucial for building a business that stands out and leaves a lasting impression, and ultimately helps you bring those much needed sales. 


A skilled copywriter brings a persuasive writing style, often honed through sales experience, encouraging customers to take meaningful action. 


A copywriter can manage social media ads, emails, website content, flyers, and more.


If you haven’t considered hiring a copywriter yet, it’s time to recognize their pivotal role in shaping a compelling online presence for your business.


Here are seven reasons why.


1. Stand Out from AI Content


AI tools, such as ChatGPT, use a type of AI called natural language processing to understand and generate human-like text.


In content creation, AI tools assist by generating written content, like articles, ads, and other marketing materials.even conversation. 


ChatGPT, for example, has been trained on a diverse range of data, enabling it to understand and respond in a way that resembles human language. 


This helps people in tasks like brainstorming ideas, drafting content, or even refining writing.


AI’s role in content creation is growing because it can save time and provide creative input. 


However, there’s a pressing problem with that. 


AI-generated content lacks the distinct personality your brand has. It largely sounds generic, as there’s a high probability it can give the same responses to your competitors. 


Plus, copyright laws around AI-generated content are still in debate. You don’t own fully the content generated via AI tools like ChatGPT, which means all your brand assets can be copied … and no one will be in question. 


While AI tools are great, the combination of AI and a human expert copywriter is needed to maintain authenticity, freshness, emotions, and human touch in the copy. 


2. Focus on Your Business

Business owners should work on growing their business, not writing.


A professional copywriter helps you grow your business online faster…I’ll tell you how!


Copywriters play a role not only in traditional media like posters, flyers, websites, and social media but also in shaping the tone of voice, advertisements, and marketing strategy.


Let’s imagine you’re trying everything by yourself putting together a few sentences about your product. 


Several months later, you find yourself struggling to generate significant sales. 


Your web traffic appears stagnant, barely reaching more than a few visitors a day. 


Conversely, you might face a different issue where your ads receive numerous clicks, yet fail to convert into actual purchases.


Now, you’re putting in extra hours to learn copywriting because it’s seen as the missing piece for success. 


So instead of trying to be a copywriter … get yourself one! 


All great marketing material that you see online and love, and probably save in your collections…is great copywriting at work!


Copywriters aid your business in forming an online community. 


They do this by crafting email newsletters, content pillars, and sharing free info, like blog content. 


When they handle everything on their own, which directly helps in the growth of your business…you can put your entire focus on the operations and other important aspects of your business. 


Resulting in faster and sustainable growth. 


3. Boost Sales with Better Writing

A good copywriter knows how to write things that make people really want to buy what you’re selling. 


They help improve your ads and website, making it easier for you to sell more. 


It’s like they have a special skill with words that grabs people’s attention and gets them interested in what you offer. 


When they write for your ads, it’s not just about saying words; it’s about using the right words to persuade customers to choose your product or service. 


They know how to make your message clear and appealing, so people can easily see why your stuff is valuable. 


So, having a good copywriter on your team can make a big difference in getting more people to buy from you. 


4. Always Know What Customers Want

A copywriter is like a detective, always checking what people like and want in your industry — more specifically, your target customers


They dig into what makes people excited or interested, like finding out which colors or words catch their eye. 


It’s a bit like figuring out the favorite flavors at an ice cream shop – some people like chocolate, others prefer strawberry. 


Once the copywriter knows what clicks with people, they use that info to create content that people will be eager to buy from you 


For example, if you’re in the sleep industry, and they discover that many folks enjoy cozy and comforting vibes, they might suggest making a new product like super-soft blankets or warm, fuzzy socks…that will most probably be well-received by customers as your copywriter would’ve already done the market research


By understanding people’s preferences, a copywriter helps businesses make products,services, and offers that connect with customers, making them more likely to make a purchase.


5. One Writer for Everything

Imagine a copywriter as a versatile storyteller who can write all sorts of things like social media posts, emails, blog posts, and ads. 


When one person takes care of all these writing tasks, everything flows smoothly together. 


For instance, when the same copywriter handles your social media posts, they know the tone and style that resonates with your audience. 


They are already in charge of the website content, email, and other marketing materials so they can easily cross-post, repurpose, and keep a consistent and coherent marketing messaging that works on all channels. 


So, having one person do it all is like having a master storyteller who ensures that every piece fits seamlessly, making it easier for your audience to follow along and engage with your brand. 


6. Keep Your Brand Message Clear

Think of a copywriter as the person who makes sure your brand talks the same way everywhere on social media, in emails, on your website, and in ads. 


Having a friendly guide who speaks the same language at every place you visit, making it feel comfy and known. 


When the copywriter keeps the words and the voice consistent, it’s like creating a catchy song everyone can hum along to. 


For example, if your brand is all about being nice and easy to chat with, the copywriter will make sure all the words give off that friendly vibe. 


This sameness helps folks remember your brand because of a familiar tune – it sticks in their heads. 


Just like a song you can’t stop singing, a steady brand voice, thanks to the copywriter, makes your brand easier to remember and like.


7. Keep Up with Changing Customers

Customers are like friends who sometimes switch up their favorite things. 


A copywriter is like your business’s friendly guide, always adapting to what your customers like. 


It’s a bit like changing the menu at a restaurant to offer new tasty dishes when people crave something different. 


So, when customers start leaning towards new trends or interests, the copywriter adjusts the words on your website, in your ads, and everywhere else to match. 


This way, your business stays interesting to customers, just like how a good story evolves to keep you hooked. 


The copywriter helps your business roll with the changes, making sure you’re always catching the eye of your customers with the things they like at that moment.



In 2024, hiring a copywriter is like having a secret weapon for business success. 


They make your brand sound good everywhere, create content that sells, and adapt to what customers like. 


It’s the key to a more memorable and successful business journey.