
Today’s digital marketing landscape hinges on content. The right content writer is crucial for your brand’s success – they do more than just fill your web pages with words; they understand and articulate your brand’s identity, engaging deeply with your audience. But finding this ideal writer can be challenging.

How do you locate a professional who not only has the skills but also resonates with your brand’s vision and your audience’s interests?

In this article, we’ll explore three effective ways to hire a content writer who can elevate your brand’s narrative and connect with your audience.


#1 – Direct Hire via Their Portfolio

Hiring a content writer directly through their portfolio offers a unique advantage: you get an unfiltered glimpse into their writing style, expertise, and versatility.

This method allows you to assess if the writer’s voice aligns with your brand’s tone and messaging.

It’s about finding someone who not only writes well but also understands and can articulate your brand’s ethos and appeal to your target audience.

By reviewing their past work, you can gauge their ability to engage and persuade, which is crucial for effective content marketing.

Three ways you can find great writer portfolios:


a) Finding Writers on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional networking site, ideal for finding experienced content writers. By searching with specific keywords like “content writer” or “freelance writer” alongside your industry terms, you can discover profiles rich with portfolios and professional experiences.


Additionally, engage in LinkedIn groups focused on content marketing and writing.

These platforms are frequented by writers showcasing their skills and seeking new opportunities. Pay attention to posts under hashtags such as #ContentWriting or #FreelanceWriting, where many writers promote their services.


b) Finding Writers on Reddit

Reddit offers a unique landscape with its subreddit communities. Look for subreddits like r/HireaWriter or r/freelanceWriters, where professional writers often post their services and writing samples.

Reddit’s informal setting can be advantageous for candid conversations about project needs and writer capabilities.


c) Finding Writers on Facebook

Facebook’s groups are a useful resource for locating content writers. Groups dedicated to content writing, freelance work, or specific industries are common.

Within these groups, writers often advertise their services, share portfolio pieces, and engage with potential clients. To find suitable writers, join relevant groups and monitor posts or use the group’s search feature to look for specific writing services.

You can also publish job requirements as posts in those Facebook groups. Writers will reach out to you then by your preferred communication channel.

There are so many groups, but the one that stands out and I personally got my first gig from four years ago, is: Nothing Held Back Job Board.


Pros of Hiring Directly via Portfolio:

  1. Direct access to the writer’s past work for quality assessment.
  2. Easier to find writers with specific industry expertise.
  3. Direct interaction enhances understanding and collaboration.
  4. Tailored content that aligns closely with your brand’s tone.


Cons of Hiring Directly via Portfolio:

  1. Requires more effort and time to search and review portfolios.
  2. Potential for higher costs due to individual pricing structures.
  3. Skilled writers might have limited availability.
  4. Lack of intermediary support for disputes or guarantees.


#2 – Hire via Freelancing Marketplaces

Freelancing platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer provide a convenient way to find content writers. These marketplaces feature a wide array of writers with diverse skills and experience levels.

You can search for writers using specific keywords relevant to your needs and browse through profiles, which typically include work samples, ratings, and reviews from previous clients.

Or, in the case of Upwork, you can publish a job post, and writers will bid on it. Even better, you can send interview invites to profiles that you like, and go from there.

Additionally, these platforms have built-in systems for secure payment and dispute resolution, adding an extra layer of security to the hiring process.


    • Access to a wide range of writers with various expertise.
    • Ability to compare writers based on reviews and ratings.
    • Platforms provide secure payment methods and project management tools.
    • Offers flexibility in terms of contract length and project scope.



    • Writers can be busy managing other clients’ orders, which means less focus on your project.
    • The sheer number of profiles can be overwhelming and time-consuming to sift through.
    • Less personal interaction, which might affect the understanding of your brand’s needs.
    • Additional fees charged by the platforms.


#3 – Hire via Writing Job board Sites

Using job board sites dedicated to writing like ProBlogger, is a focused approach to finding content writers.

These platforms allow you to place specific job ads, attracting writers who are actively seeking new opportunities.

You can detail your requirements, desired experience, and project details in the ad, ensuring responses from candidates who closely match your criteria.

The process often leads to a more formal interview and hiring procedure, allowing you to thoroughly assess candidates’ skills and fit for your project.


    • Attracts writers specifically looking for job opportunities in writing.
    • Often results in applications from more professional and experienced writers.
    • Allows you to outline detailed job requirements, filtering out unsuitable candidates.
    • More structured hiring process, including interviews and vetting.



    • The process of creating ads, reviewing applications, and interviewing can be time-consuming.
    • Fewer candidates compared to the vast pool on freelancing platforms.
    • Some job board sites may charge for posting job ads.
    • Unlike freelancing platforms, these sites usually don’t offer payment processing services.


Interview Tips for Hiring a Writer for Your Brand

The interview is a critical phase in selecting the right content writer for your brand. It’s an opportunity to assess not just the writer’s skills and experience but also their understanding of your specific needs and brand identity.

Whether your brand is in marketing, tech, health, or any other field, the interview helps determine if the writer can effectively communicate your message and connect with your audience. It’s about ensuring they can produce content that aligns with your brand’s tone, style, and objectives.

Key Points of Consideration:

  • Relevance to Your Industry: Evaluate their understanding of and experience in your industry. For instance, if your brand is in health and fitness, ask how they would approach topics in this niche.


  • Brand Alignment: Discuss how they adapt their writing style to different brand voices. Use examples from your brand or industry to gauge their adaptability.


  • Content Strategy Insight: Inquire about their approach to content strategy, especially how they would contribute to your specific goals. For example, ask how they would handle a new product launch or a branding campaign.


  • Portfolio Analysis: Review a piece from their portfolio relevant to your industry. Discuss their research process and how they tailor content to target audiences.


  • Adaptability and Creativity: Pose hypothetical scenarios, such as a shift in your brand’s focus or emerging industry trends, and ask how they would adjust their content strategy.


  • Communication and Workflow Preferences: Understanding their communication style and workflow is vital for smooth collaboration. Ensure it aligns with your team’s processes.


By focusing on these aspects, you can better identify a content writer who not only has the necessary skills and experience but also a clear understanding of your brand’s unique needs and goals.


A Simple Job Post Template for Hiring a Content Writer

Here’s a template that you can simply copy and paste. Please note that you’ll need to insert specific details in this template according to your company or needs.

Here it is:

Title: Content Writer Needed for [Your Brand/Company Name]


Introduction: We at [Your Company Name], specializing in [Your Industry/Sector], are seeking a talented Content Writer to join our team. This role is ideal for someone who is passionate about [Briefly describe the nature of the content – e.g., tech, health, marketing] and can bring fresh ideas to our [Blog/Website/Social Media Platforms].



  • Write and edit [x number] of [articles/blog posts/social media posts] per week.
  • Collaborate with our marketing team to develop content strategies.
  • [Any other specific responsibilities, e.g., SEO optimization, conducting interviews, research].



  • years of experience in content writing, preferably in [Your Industry/Sector].
  • Strong understanding of [Specific skills/knowledge relevant to your industry].
  • Excellent writing and editing skills.
  • [Any additional requirements, e.g., familiarity with specific tools or platforms].


Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience in [Any specialized experience – e.g., SEO, video scriptwriting].
  • A portfolio showcasing relevant work.
  • [Any other preferred qualifications].


What We Offer:

  • [Mention any benefits, like flexible hours, work from home, etc.]
  • The opportunity to be a part of [something unique about your company or team].
  • [Any other benefits, like professional development opportunities, team culture].


Application Process: Please submit your application by [Deadline]. Include your resume, a cover letter explaining why you are a good fit for this role, and links to your portfolio or samples of your work.


Contact Information: [Your contact details for applications or further inquiries].


Wrap Up

Selecting the perfect content writer is an art in itself, one that can significantly impact your brand’s voice and audience engagement. Whether you choose to hire directly through portfolios, navigate the vast seas of freelancing marketplaces, or take the more traditional route of job board sites, the key is to find a writer who resonates with your brand’s ethos and audience’s needs.

A key thing to remember: a great writer does more than just put words on a page; they bring your brand’s story to life. They take the time to research and understand your brand’s narrative, your business goals, and your vision to create content that will help you reach your marketing objectives.

If you’re still unsure about the best route for your brand or need personalized guidance in hiring a content writer, feel free to reach out to me for a free consultation.

With my expertise in content writing and marketing, I can help you navigate this crucial process, ensuring you find the right voice to tell your brand’s unique story.

Let’s connect and make your content strategy a resounding success!